
Saturday 26 February 2011

WOW I've Got Another Award :D

I cant believe it, and am sooooooo happy. 2 awards so quickly.

This award was given to me by the lovely Naomi, her fabby blog is here

This award is aimed at bringing unknown good blogs to light, (so you are asked; please don't tag somebody who already has a ton of followers) and in accepting the award I have had to agree to the following conditions:
1. You have been tagged, do you want to accept? - Yes, thankyou soooooo much

2. Then create a post on your blog and post the love blog photo. - Yep
3. Link back to the person who gave you the award and say if you accept. - Yes I've linked back to Naomi's blog and yes i accept :D

4. Choose 3-5 of your favorite blogs to tag, link these in your post too and tell the lucky people they have been tagged. - just thinking of who to give it to

Here's my list of recipients

Karan gorgeous blog, cards and of course Kayla

Gill  I have recently discovered Gills fab blog

Sandra  A lovely lady with a lovely blog

I am now off to add the fabby Blog award piccy to my blog

Kate xxx

1 comment:

xx thank you for all your comments xx