
Tuesday 22 October 2013


OHHHHHHHHHH I was just playing around with my blog when I noticed its my blogoversary in 59 days. It got me thinking maybe I could have a little candy. Then I looked at my followers 181 with google & 4 with bloglovin and I came up with an idea
I will have a surprise blog candy to be drawn on my blogoversary (59 days time) AS LONG AS I have a total of 200 followers combined between google & bloglovin, I already have 185 so that's only another 15 to find
So what do you have to do to be eligible?
1. Be a follower ( and NOT just a candy grabber)
2. Share my candy either in your side bar or a post
3. Post a comment here with a link to your blog/post
That's it, simple. So if you want to be in with a change of some surprise candy, and don't worry it wont be a used foam pad or a dried up glue stick, it will be some pretties & sparklies, then get sharing my candy and fingers crossed I will be back with a winner on December 20th 2013

Happy Crafting
 photo mysiggybugs.png


  1. I don't know how to share your candy on my blog or side bar :(

  2. have put you on my side bar kate
    caroline x


xx thank you for all your comments xx